NECTR 2021
So I went to NECTR this year and decided to contribute something to the art world. Since I'm such an egomaniac who's constantly clout chasing, I'm making this guide.
Legal disclaimer:
I'll be treating the propane 'poofers' as a blackbox device. You shouldn't be coming to me for advice how to create them. I don't know how, and I don't want to be held responsible anything you do involving flammable (inflammable? WHAT A COUNTRY!) gases. This guide is more for me to remember what the fuck I did rather than having someone replicate it it. Unless you already have poofers then by all means copy this. You already did the hard/dangerous part. If you don't, that sucks dude they're great.
What will I need?
Raspberry Pi (I used the 3B+. Running Python 3) with a Relay hat
Rockband drum set
Okay. That's it
I made a fun wiring diagram for how you should connect them
Pretty much boils down to to:
Connect the to the drum set and relays, if one pads is hit then tell the relays to close/activate. The up/down arrows on the d-pad adjusts the amount of time each poofer is activated for. This is so you can tune each one to make a specific sound repeatably. The actual sound is additionally adjustable by the pressure and distance from valve to pilot light. A light tap is the same as a heavy bang. A drum roll quick enough will just keep the flames shooting
So what does all this get you?
Some annoyed neighbors.
Thanks for checking out my guide!
Best Regards,
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